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Band Boosters

Who are the Band Boosters?

The Band Booster Association is the parent orga­ni­za­tion for the band program. The parents are active in all aspects of the program. They act as chap­er­ones, fundrais­ers, band trip planners, con­ces­sion­aires, pit crew members, band camp vol­un­teers and uniform main­te­nance workers.

But most impor­tant­ly, Band Boosters are enthu­si­as­tic sup­port­ers of our children! Without the active members of the Band Boosters, the students at Tallwood could not enjoy the success they have earned.


Volunteers are a critical part of making the band suc­cess­ful, and donating your time is an excel­lent way to get involved. There are a wide variety of vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties avail­able for parents and supporters.

Learn More about Volunteering

Other Ways to Help

The Band Boosters are always looking for dona­tions, both finan­cial and goods. During marching season, we need dona­tions of bottled water and granola bars.


Brief general booster mem­ber­ship meetings are sched­uled every other month to discuss band activ­i­ties and allow parents to voice concerns and feedback in a com­mu­ni­ty setting.

Meeting Minutes


The Association is governed by a set of By-Laws that con­sti­tute how the orga­ni­za­tion is run.

View Booster By-Laws

Booster Executive Board

Position Name
Renee McCroskey
1st Vice President (Fundraising)
Marilyn Kennedy
2nd Vice President
Amanda Bell
Davida Wright
Elizabeth Sokol